In modern-day Konoha High, Naruto Uzumaki is a loner, living on his own after the tragic loss of his parents. Despite his solitary existence, he is secretly dating Hinata, the popular girl in school. The Konoha 12, including Sasuke and Hinata, have little regard for him, often bullying and mocking him. However, when the triplets—Reina, Akira...
Beautiful necromancer in love with a paladin sent to destroy her, tamed dragon discovering its real nature, unsuspecting vampire turned into prey, brave warlock fighting the powers of light to protect her beloved queen, merciless demiurge plotting to possess her righteous brother, young girl dreaming of joining the dragon in its battle against the gods. Immerse yourself in the world full of dark passion, burning longing and hopeless love, where bravery and cunning shape the reality with no respect for the holy. Experience the forbidden desire and feel the heat of rage, without the burden of telling right from wrong.
For ages, their civilisation has existed peacefully on their lonely plant until one day they discover evidence of intelligent life among the stars. Curiosity leads to a mission of goodwill, but an unexpected encounter throws everything out of balance. As both worlds collide, they question whether trying to do the right thing was the biggest mistake they made.
Having bedroom issues while in a relationship in your mid to late twenties can be a red flag, so Aurora keeps her struggles to herself. However, when her friends accidentally discover her situation after a party and berate her boyfriend, tensions rise within both her relationship and her friend group. Follow Aurora on her journey as she navigates whether to stay with her long-time boyfriend or venture into a new relationship to explore her sexual frustrations.
This project is a collection of short stories with philosophical themes, dark humor, expiration of the human condition. It is an experiment. I hope you enjoy. This work will always be marked “completed” because each story stands alone and will be posted individually.
❝True love is usually the most inconvenient kind.❞- Ellery Thatcher Ellery Thatcher and Cassian Lancaster have been together since sophomore year in college, after what was supposed to be an unfortunate accident blossomed into a beautiful love story. Now they are ready to take their relationship to the next level, but Cassian's self centered mother, Ursula Lancaster is against their union. Follow the two as they navigate through a world of treacherous schemes, heartaches and buried secrets. Let's not forget an obsessed ex lover who's itching to settle his grudge.
Kolo, once a broken drifter, revels in her newfound power and glory. However, Master Xigon has not been quite right since the night of her ascension, and he refuses to let anyone know what's wrong. Kolo, on the other hand, refuses to remain in the dark. She thinks she has nothing to lose, but the warriors of Styzia might never know joy again if they learn their true purpose. [In progress]
This is a series of short stories I wrote for The Fabulous Spec-Fic Smack Down on Wattpad, which required me to write flash fiction, short stories, drabbles, and poetry inspired by prompts that qualified as Speculative Fiction. Speculative Fiction is a genre that’s basically a mash-up of whatever you want it to be, commonly Sci Fi, Fantasy, Horror, but by definition, anything goes. Alternate timelines and universes are pretty common in Spec Fic, too. Flash fiction is a story shorter than typical Short Stories, and drabbles are exactly 100 words in length. This was a writing experiment for me, because: - I had never written Speculative Fiction. - Or flash fiction. - Or drabbles. - Or from an image prompt. Here’s the link to the challenge: Somehow, I survived the eliminations until round four, part one. I decided to keep following the contest on my own, so as long as it's running, I'll keep adding chapters within the deadline based on the prompts provided. But I won't stop when the contest ends. This has been such a fun project, so I've decided to pull prompts from various sources and keep it going as long as I can. Note: Word count varies with the application used. All the word counts here come from Google Docs.
A heated argument with his boyfriend Adam sends Takashi "Shiro" Shirogane tumbling down a well, only to awaken in Altea, a magical land threatened by the Galra Empire. Here, he encounters Keith, a brooding half-daemon bound by a past betrayal. Together, they must protect a mysterious crystal and defend Altea, all while Shiro grapples with newfound love and purpose.
After failing her education program and losing her factory job, Moragen is running low on options. Hoping to get away from her debt and the shadowy man following her, she signs up to join the hivemind army that defends the city of Ratheme. As a hivemind soldier, she can let someone else take control. But there’s something wrong with Moragen’s link to the hive. She’d be happy to ignore it, if there weren’t also something off about the war with the Nemerites. And secrets among her teammates. And something seriously wrong with the captain controlling them. Investigation leads to the shocking revelation that the enemy is not what they seem, and that humanity is in more danger than anyone could have imagined. But if Moragen’s team can’t learn to trust one another, no one will be able to stop what’s coming.