Chapter VIII: King of Wands

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E.M Malachite
Oh? Maybe he'll start talking to her more! I feel so badly for her lol. This is a beautiful paragraph you've written. There's a lot of bittersweetness in it because of where all of this is coming from but you also capture hope so well in here without saying it.
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E.M Malachite
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E.M Malachite
I wonder if he hates this way of addressing him, considering it's how he'd address his father so often.
A.J Jennings
You're correct!
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E.M Malachite
Oh yay! xD
E.M Malachite
This feels a lot like the teachings of his dad in him. There's been so little communication in his family that he can't even really think about talking to her. He makes it a point to separate his life from hers, then turns around and says he doesn't know her, and can't read her, so it creates this mistrust about her behavior, but it's like... Charles, that's because you're separating your life from her so much! Of course you don't know her! But surprise. He's had no connections to people beyond his mother and, for a while too short, his brother.
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A.J Jennings
My favorite part of this chapter is how he goes into detail on the ways he's been avoiding her and then immediately like 'well I'm not trying to ignore her." Like my guy what did you JUST say. But yeah that multi-generational trauma cycle just keeps cycling. But yeah its totally not suprising considering his brother was treating him almost the exact same way only a few chapters ago.
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E.M Malachite
Yes! I was thinking, "Damn, the lack of awareness of this guy" haha. It's such a genuine note though. It's like when someone talks about compassion but in the very same breath says something so bafflingly heartless, the disconnect is real.
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E.M Malachite
Nailed it. That's exactly how I felt when life changed drastically for me, it felt like the present was a bizarre dream.
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E.M Malachite
Love this. It's wild how fast bad environments are not only internalized but deeply normalized. It's not until one manages to leave said environment long-term that details keep stacking up against what we thought was normal, making us wonder how we ever thought it was.
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1 Comment
A.J Jennings
Exactly. It's like that tiktok sound going around (not sure where it's from originally) that goes "she didn't want to die...she just wanted out of that house."
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E.M Malachite
Feels more like the dad is just wanting to make sure he doesn't lose more "puppets" from his direct control in one of his properties...
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