Chapter VII: The Ties that Bind

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E.M Malachite
Poor Charles, and poor Catherine. I'm not sure if she wanted to marry, or if she's putting on a face because of expectations; I imagine she has significantly less freedoms than he does, despite how little he has. She may be happy that someone would still marry her when the last one seemingly couldn't stand her enough to run away, so now there's Charles, who doesn't seem to want anything to do with her and that can be confusing and really hurt someone's sense of self-esteem. She can't know what's going on in Charles' mind. But there's no way Charles should make himself go through with this when he doesn't want to, and he's already been coerced into marrying. It's such a sad situation for them both, but maybe this will end up being one of those marriages where they end up realizing they like each other's company. Fingers crossed!
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A.J Jennings
Yeah its a messed up situation all around. It's (midly) based on the marriage between Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, who were in a similar situation but were much younger (15 and 14 respectively). I would say Catherine is the one with less freedom in the situation, bc as a woman being a wife is pretty much her only expectation and nothing else, but other than that tho they are pretty equal in terms of how much freedom they both have in their lives.
E.M Malachite
THAT'S SO SAD and I have no crying emoji to express it
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E.M Malachite
This is such a sweet sentiment and something that's very important to tell one's children. <3
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E.M Malachite
Haha I knew the moment she said this, it's because she's certain he'll be a great husband either way.
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E.M Malachite
Poor Charles. This whole situation is creepy. "Our first son ran out on you so here, we'll toss in the other one. For honor!" It really goes to show how replaceable the both of them are, not just to their father but also the society in how this is even acceptable in society and something that can successfully salvage their reputation. Out one son, in the other.
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A.J Jennings
I know it's so messed up like leave the children alone pls. But yeah I think the whole concept of "an heir and a spare" is so dehumanizing as a person who's only expectation is to be a replacable spare part.
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E.M Malachite
I wasn't aware it was a thing so many intentionally and admittedly practiced. My goodness
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A.J Jennings
Yeah I believe even Prince William and Henry were openly referred to as 'the heir and the spare' publicly for a while. This is also kind of similar to how King Henry VIII married Catherine of Aragon after his brother Prince Arthur died shortly after they married. So kinda similar concept.
E.M Malachite
That last line is something I feel so many can relate to. To want to be loved so badly, and to need it so much that you can feel care and concern for anyone else that can love you.
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A.J Jennings
It's honestly probably one of the most important lines in the book
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E.M Malachite
Oh no! I like the build up you had here, not revealing until now what had him so upset.
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