Chapter VI: Redundant

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E.M Malachite
THE CAAAAT. NOOOOOOOOO. =\[ Oh my god did the dad KILL HER? Was it revenge believing his wife knew? AHHHH It’s a very sad chapter overall, and I really like how much Charles loves his mother. He’s very connected to her. There’s a lot of feelings in here that resonate with me. The way the chapter ends also has a great intrigue to it, someone else will be entering Charles’ life!
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A.J Jennings
People always have the biggest reaction to the cat scene. Also yeah he did. Honesty, the intention of the scene was the mirror the stag scene to juxtapose a more ritualistic, noble, and socially accepted form of violence vs one that is more arbitrary, senseless, and unnecessary to show the arbitrary and illogical abuse that goes on in the home and be a manifestation of Charles's own fears towards hid mother (as cats were symbols of feminity at the time and thus often hated). Tho, The Father killing Hélène's cat as revenge for, in his mind, letting his heir run away makes sense in his line of logic, since it would be closest thing to making her lose something she loved without killing his other son. So that insight adds another depth to it And yes Charles is the OG mama's boy
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E.M Malachite
Because the cat didn't do anything wrong and oh my goodness the poor kitty! That symbolism there though flew right over my head, thank you for sharing that. I love trying to catch symbolism so I'll keep my eye out for it from here on out 0_0.
A.J Jennings
If there's one thing I love its symbolism and foreshadowing
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