

E.M Malachite
THAT POOR DOG. =[ Poor woman too. I liked the day-to-day details because when the incident happens it's all the more of a shock, going from mundane normalcy to sheer horror. That's how it is for so many. From there, the POV goes through the motion, time flies by, not quite all there. At the end it feels like she's not actually ready to take on another family member but she's so empty and devastated and doesn't know what to do she needs someone else in her life to love. It's not going to be that easy to "replace" Baby Bee but she's going to try in order to move on. That's the sense I got. Thanks for sharing! =]
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A.J Jennings
You're so right as always <3
E.M Malachite
That's so terribly sad =[ I have dreams about my kitty and I'm so glad none of them turn to nightmares. They're just calm and peaceful like she never left at all.
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A.J Jennings
This scene is inspired by a dream I had after my first dog died
E.M Malachite
Those last lines capture so much. I remember when we first moved to the suburbs and it was eerie how empty everything felt, like a zombie apocalypse had happened. I came to love the quiet but it certainly took getting used to.
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A.J Jennings
This passage is very much inspired by my neighborhood
E.M Malachite
I knew it was coming but STILL
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E.M Malachite
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E.M Malachite
So much like my little one too!
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E.M Malachite
That's such a cute name of endearment!
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A.J Jennings
It's what I call my boys